“If your think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it is lethal.” –Paulo Coelho



Does clean eating feel like a lovely concept but just not do-able in a busy world? I get it, the world is moving fast these days. Many companies have downsized leaving fewer employees to do more work which means more hours. We have families to take care of, extracurricular activities, appointments to go to, the list goes on and on.

Eating clean perhaps feels like one of those nice to do things but just doesn't seem possible. Today I want to give you some tips on how you can begin to eat clean in a busy world.

    1. Take time to sit down and put together a clean eating plan, a little planning will go a long way. What kinds of foods do you like? What are some of your favorite quick and easy simple recipes? Look in your cupboards and put together a grocery list of what you need in your pantry and fridge that will give you delicious and healthy meals for the week. Use this pdf28 Day Clean Eating Meal Plan PDF to help you get started.
    2. Grain Free Breakfast SandwichPull out your calendar and create a meal plan. You may find that your breakfasts and lunches are routine, these should be easy. Based on your pantry and grocery list pre-plan your meals so that when you get home you know exactly what you are going to cook and can get started right away. Ensure you have plenty of fresh groceries stocked up each week, so you have no excuses to open that box of macaroni and cheese that has been sitting in the back of your cupboard.
    3. Create a kitchen "prep" day. I like Sundays. This is the day where you can plan your meals for the week. If you have some extra time you might pre-cook some meals and either freeze them or save them for the next couple of nights. Wash fruit and veggies, chop veggies and put them into serving sizes so they are ready to go. You can clean, marinate, and freeze your meat ahead of time (don't forget to label the date something goes into the freezer). Get any healthy snacks ready for the week etc... you get the idea. It's really your time to get organized to make your busy week as easy as possible.
    4. Cheese Burger SaladUse your crockpot. On your kitchen prep day, it's easy to pre-prepare meals that you can throw into the crockpot. That way you can simply open a container, put everything into the crockpot then when you get home at the end of the day you have a healthy meal ready, and waiting for you. How easy is that?
    5. Get your snacks and lunches ready the night before so you aren't rushing when you are trying to get them out the door in the morning.
    6. If you grocery shop on a day other than your kitchen prep day wash your fruits and veggies immediately when you get home. This makes it easy to grab something healthy on the run.
    7. Take a small cooler/lunch bag with you when you are on the go. Fill it with healthy snacks and any meals needed for the day. This will keep you from grabbing something quick and unhealthy.

So yes, clean eating will take a little extra work but if you take time each week to plan and prepare clean eating meals it will go from being nice to have to just what you do every week. Get your family involved, make clean eating and healthy living a part of your lifestyle, and create those healthy choices that will last a lifetime.

I promise your body will be reward with more energy, less weight, brighter skin, and many other benefits.

So, get planning and enjoy clean eating in your busy world made easy.