“Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the things you did do.” –Anonymous
Composition is an important factor that helps define an image. Mastering the term is also beneficial to help draw viewers into the picture by noticing particular elements that may fall into a perfect composition. In its simplest form, you can break a photo into third lines. That is to say two equal horizontal lines and two equal vertical lines on the frame, resulting in what’s commonly referred to as the ‘Rule of Thirds’. Explaining The Rule of Thirds The Rule of Thirds is about aligning your photographic subject on a third line or an intersection of third lines. Most noticeably, landscape photographers will use this technique when photographing the horizon. When you look at a landscape image taken by a professional, you may notice that the horizon isn’t in the middle of the photograph. Instead, the photographer may position the horizon on either the top third line or the bottom horizontal third line. By doing so, it allows the photographer to either show two-thirds foreground or two-thirds sky in the photograph. However, one must ask, can the rule of thirds ever be broken?Do you have to maintain these guides in every photo to make it an award-winner?The simple answer is no. Read More
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